
Metal shaping

Metal shaping

Measure the length of the waffle shape. Draw an appropriate shape on the metal sheet by marker. Then cut it.

Watch out and make sure there is not another foot (yours or others) under the machine. Otherwise you may have to pay for the hospital for yourself or others.

Use the Marker to draw across the wood template on the aluminium sheet.
I then proceeded to cut it out using the large circle cutter, which gave me a good curve.

Using hammers in the workshop to bend it. make it like shape to cover the shape.

Then use small hammers to adjust it and clean the surface.

Use the Marker to redraw across the wood template.using the large circle cutter to cut again.

Use the roller to smooth the surface.

Using the tear drop stand and polishing hammer, any rough surfaces were cleaned up. Metal skin with dome metal shaping station and wood hammer.

Comparing with object at the end of the session it is clear that the skin sit more closely.

